Out of Town Tournament

Out of Town Tournaments

Aurora Soccer Club’s Suggestions for Non-Parent Coaches

The Aurora Soccer Club is very fortunate to have many non-parent coaches. It is a very difficult task filling coaching positions year after year.  We appreciate the time that goes into being a volunteer coach. Most clubs will tell you that the best scenario is to have non-parent coaches within a club that have the skill and ability to provide training that can be used to their advantage when working with the kids. 

The Aurora Club does not have a policy in place for compensating non-parent coaches when teams are travelling to out-of-town games and tournaments. However, it is strongly recommended that the following guideline is considered when deciding to play in out-of-town games or tournaments:       

One Non-Parent Coach

  • Hotel paid for by the team
  • $30 per day for meals
  • Fuel paid for when travelling by car
  • Flights paid for when travelling by air


Two Non-Parent Coaches (on the same team)

  • Hotel paid for by the team (1 room for each coach)
  • $30 each, per day for meals
  • Fuel paid for when travelling by car. Coaches are to travel together in one vehicle.
  • Both flights paid for when travelling by air


When these costs are divided amongst all player’s families on the team, it doesn’t amount to much compared to the time and commitment put forth by these individuals.   Non-parent coaches are a very valuable asset to our club, and we can’t take that for granted.

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