SaskTel Sports Centre Rain Out PolicyField Lightning Safety & Severe Weather Policy - CSA
City of Saskatoon Sportsfield Usage & Inclement Weather Guidelines
The City of Saskatoon Leisure Services Branch and the Parks Branch make sportsfields available to user groups through Leisure Services Allocations (located at Lawson Civic Centre, Primrose Drive - 975-3366)
The use of sportsfields when the turf is wet creates ruts, worn areas, and compacts the soil, which reduces turf grass growth (i.e. goal mouth areas). This use results in long-term damage to the turf, which reduces the quality of the playing surface. These problems create unsafe playing conditions and impact field availability, which results in lengthy and costly maintenance repairs to the fields.
Inclement weather sportsfield usage guidelines:
- ALL repair costs, resulting from sport groups using wet fields, WILL be charged directly to the offending team(s) or organization(s).
- The onus is on the user group to assess playability, when deciding to use a field after or during rain: (1) If there is standing water, i.e., puddles of water on the field -- do not use the field, and/or (2) If water squishes under foot when you walk on the turf - do not use the field.
- Play it safe - if unsure on whether to play or not error on the side of caution and do not play.
- In the event a field is covered with snow, the same conditions as above must be considered to decide playability and if wet conditions exist, use of the field is not permitted. If a group feels conditions are allowable for play and they want the fields cleared, they MUST get Approval from the Parks Branch. Approval will be based on the nature and scope of the event and all costs associated with the removal including any subsequent damage to the field will be charged directly to the requesting team(s) or organization(s).
Other Usage Guidelines:
- The use of herbicides/pesticides on sportsfields is strictly prohibited unless approved by the Infrastructure Services Department, Parks Branch.
- The use of “Round-Up” mixed with line paint is strictly prohibited.
- Parking is limited at many parks. Encourage teams to park in designated parking lots or on the street. Parking in front of residential/commercial properties may result in receiving a parking ticket.
- Vehicles (other than Emergency such as ambulance or police) are not allowed on park surfaces. Damages from vehicles will be charged to the user group.
- When possible, perform non-game warm-up exercises along the edges of the field to save wear and tear on the main playing surface.
- Use garbage containers located adjacent to the playing fields.
Lining of Sports Fields:
- Priority field markings for the perimeters and goal creases of soccer/football fields and foul lines for ball diamonds will begin mid-April (weather permitting).
- Do not mark fields that conflict with the existing Parks Branch markings unless prior approval has been granted from Leisure Services.
By adhering to the sportsfield usage guidelines you will be contributing to the longevity of our assets. Working together will ensure we have safe, quality playing surfaces for participants. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.