Rules Package - Aurora Open







PDF Version: HERE


Table of Contents

  1. Action Checklist
  2. Welcome Letter
  3. Tournament Procedures
  4. Field Locations 


  1. Read this entire
  2. Fill out and submit team roster and permission letters for guest players (max 3) before November 8th, please email your permission to
  3. Out of Province teams- Complete and submit travel permits 10 days prior to the tournament.



Welcome to THE AURORA OPEN! We have received and accepted your registration and are excited about having your team participate in the 6th annual Aurora Open.

Please do your part by arriving at your game site 30 minutes in advance of your game to fill out the game sheet and prepare your team so that games can start on time.

This is your pre-tournament information package. There is a lot of information enclosed. Please read through it carefully. Your tournament player roster and guest permission letters are due before your first game. Teams joining us from outside Saskatchewan must submit their travel permits 10 days before the tournament starts. We appreciate your efforts to get these forms into us as soon as you can.


We look forward to seeing you on Nov 22-24, 2024. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to making this weekend as enjoyable as you expect it to be!

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

THE AURORA OPEN Tournament Committee    Alex Hein (Tournament Registrar)                 



Megan Foster (Tournament Treasurer)



Check out our website at


Tournament Headquarters

Tournament Headquarters will be located on the 2nd floor of the Saskatoon Soccer Centre (North End)

150 Nelson Rd




Admission price: There is a charge of $5.00 per day or $10.00 for a weekend pass for anyone over the age of 18.


I.             General

It is the responsibility of team officials to familiarize themselves completely with the following tournament procedures and to govern themselves accordingly.

II.            Groupings

  • Age Divisions will be divided into pools of 3, 4, or 5 teams. Pools of 3 will be combined into groups of 6. In an age division with 12 teams, there will be two groupings formed with 6 teams in each grouping.
  • Each team will play one game against each other team within its pool, or one game against each team in one of the other pools.
  • Each team is scheduled for a minimum of 3

III.          Group Ranking (U13+)

  • All teams are ranked on the following four criteria, in order of importance:
    1. Total number of points--Each team receives 3 points for a win, 1 for a tie, and 0 for a loss.
    2. ai) Teams that are in pools of 5 will be ranked using an average weighted system. All criteria in the ranking system will follow this
    3. Previous match results--Winner of the match between 2 teams tied shall be awarded the higher position.
    4. Goal difference--subtract total goals allowed from total goals scored in calculating the goal difference, a difference of five (5) will be allowed for any one game. (ie. score is 8-1, the difference will be counted as 5)
    5. Least number of goals against (Note: All goals count).
  • If two or more teams are still tied under criteria 1 a) - d) then, the teams must contact tournament headquarters to be assigned a time for penalty kicks to take place.

IV.          Overtime Periods

  • In the event of a tie during group competition, no overtime will be played and each team will be awarded 1 point for a tie.
  • In playoff competition no overtime period will be played, regular FIFA penalty kicks will be taken to determine who advances.

V.           Playoff Procedure

  • In any age division with more than three teams, the top team in each pool will advance to the championship side or playoff. In age divisions with 6 teams, the two teams (of the other four) having the most points will also advance. In age divisions of 4 or 8 teams, the second-place team in each pool will advance.
  • In the playoffs, the losing team is eliminated from the

3)            It is the responsibility of the team officials to determine if the team advances to the playoffs. Information will be available at Tournament Headquarters.


  1. Game Procedures
    • Except as otherwise provided here, the Saskatoon Youth Soccer “Indoor rules” shall apply to any and all competitions.
    • Off-side:

No offside on any ¼ field game

Half field (9v9)- Players can only be offside if they are passed the offside line in their opponents 1/2 of the field.

  • The first team listed in the schedule is the Home
  • The Home Team must have an alternate jersey and be prepared to change if, in the opinion of the referee, there is a colour conflict.
  • Please leave the field and team areas clean after each
  • The HOME TEAM is responsible for providing the game ball, to be approved by the Low bounce for smooth surface games. (U13-U19 use a size 5 ball, U9-U11 uses a size 4 ball.)
  • On-field warm-up time will be minimal. Teams should therefore warm up in an adjoining area.
  • Game sheets must be filled out and/or checked by a member of the team’s personnel at tournament headquarters 30 min prior to the commencement of the
  • A team without the required minimum players three for 5v5; five for 7v7; seven for 9v9 on the field at 10 minutes past the scheduled game time will default.
  • Playing Format:
  • Eighth field formats U9 - 5v5 (including GK); play on a smooth surface(Hard-court).
  • Quarter field format U11, U13, U15 Div 3 - 7v7 (including GK); play on a turf and /or smooth surface depending on field availability.
  • Half-field format U15-U19 Div 2 & Premier - 9v9 (including GK); all games played on half-field turf.
    • Roster size U9 - max of 14 players, U11-U19-max 16 players. ** Unless other arrangements with the tournament chair and/or registrar have been made **
    • Footwear: No metal cleats are allowed for all divisions, only plastic cleats. All teams should bring running shoes appropriate for smooth hard-court surfaces in case their game(s) or a tie breaker shoot-out is scheduled (or rescheduled) on a smooth court surface.
    • One member(s) of the Coaching Staff or Team Personnel on the bench must be of the same gender as the players in order to ensure the maintenance of a gender representative on the bench in the event that a player is injured or dismissed and required to leave the playing field. We highly recommend that you carry TWO of the same gender for adult and player safety alike.


VII.        Substitutions

  • Teams are allowed unlimited substitutions in a
  • Substitutions will be on the fly at the halfway


VIII.       Field Marshals

  • Field Marshals will be provided by the tournament
  • Please remember coaches and managers are responsible for the behaviour of their players and fans.

IX.          Discipline


The Aurora Open Tournament Committee has established a Tournament Discipline Committee.

  • Offences against Officials, at the discretion of the Tournament Discipline Committee, may be referred to the SSA to deal with, in which case offenders are suspended with immediate effect until the SSA has taken
  • Misconduct by players or team officials reported by the referee shall be dealt with by the Tournament Discipline Committee prior to the next game.
  • Any player or team official ejected from a game or receiving a third caution during the competition may waive the right to a hearing and accept an automatic suspension for one (1) game. If a hearing is requested, the request must be made to the tournament headquarters within one (1) hour of the completion of the game. If the right to a hearing is not waived, or if the Tournament Discipline Committee at their sole discretion shall so decide, the Tournament Discipline Committee shall conduct hearings to deal with misconducts that may be deemed above and beyond that which constitutes a one (1) game suspension.
  • Any player or team official reported for misconduct who elects to have a hearing, or where the Tournament Discipline Committee has called the hearing, shall attend the hearing and may be accompanied by a club
  • Failure to attend, after notification by the Tournament Staff, shall result in immediate suspension until the player or team official involved requests a further hearing in writing, and appears at that subsequent hearing.
  • The Tournament Discipline Committee shall hold a hearing into the behaviour off the field of play of any player or team official alleged by the Tournament Staff to have brought the game into disrepute.



  • A Discipline Hearing Committee shall have no less than three members, one of whom shall act as Chairman.
  • The Committee shall satisfy itself that the person charged has had details of the charge.
  • The person charged or his Representative shall be entitled to make a
  • At any time, the Chairperson and, through him/her, Members of the committee may ask questions of the witness to clear up any doubts which may exist.


  • If the charge is found “not proven” the session will be declared


  • If the charge is found “proved” the Committee shall proceed to decide whether any, and if so what, disciplinary action shall be taken.



  • The Committee may take any disciplinary action it sees fit, including suspension from Tournament play. Any suspension shall take effect immediately and shall be from all tournament games.
  • The Tournament Discipline Committee will forward their findings and reports to the governing body of the team whose player was subject to
  • Guidelines for the Aurora Open Disciplinary Committee are as follows:

Serious Foul Play Suggested Penalty:

Deliberately kicking an opponent. ------------------ minimum of 5 games Deliberately striking an opponent. --------------- minimum of 5 games Deliberately attempting to injure an opponent. ---- minimum of 5 games Violence:

Spitting at an opponent --------------------------- minimum of 5 games

Threatening an opponent. ------------------ minimum of 4 games

Threatening behaviour -------------------- minimum of 3 games Fighting --------------------------------- minimum of 5 games

Offence described by the Ref as Dangerous or Rough play. ------ minimum of 1 game


Persisting in misconduct after receiving a caution ----- minimum of 1 game Foul or abusive language ----------------- minimum of 1 game

Other offences. ------------------------------- minimum of 1 game



  1. Protests
    • No protests will be heard on any judgement calls by the referee. Protests will be allowed on eligibility or other technical matters. All decisions by the referee will be final concerning the outcome of games.
    • Protests, problems or complaints will be dealt with provided they are in writing and submitted to the Tournament Committee within one hour of the completion of the game.


XI.          Length of Games by Age Group

  • Minutes per half: U9 - 15min, U11 - 20 min, U13 to U19 - 25min
  • Half time will be 5 minutes in duration. All teams must be prepared to start play at their scheduled time. Any delay will reduce the total game time.


XII.        Players and Reserves

  • Each team may suit up to 16 players in each game (maximum of 14 for U9). All players must meet the age requirements and be listed on the team

** Unless other arrangements with the tournament chair and/or registrar


have been made **

  • You may add to your regular team roster a maximum of 3 guest players. These players must be from an equal or lower division or age group. Premier players in U11 and Division 2 players in U13 and U15 may not play on a division 3 team one age-group higher than that at which they are registered. Guest players must be marked as “guests” on your roster and a permission letter from their team must be included indicating the team’s name, age and division at which they are registered. It is your responsibility to check with the registrar, prior to your first game, to ensure guest players are eligible.
  • Playing unregistered players will result in game defaults and your Provincial Association will be notified. Players in U11 and Division 2 players in U13 and U15 may not play on a division 3 team one age-group higher than that at which they are registered. Guest players must be marked as “guests” on your roster and a permission letter from their team must be included indicating the team’s name, age and division at which they are registered. It is your responsibility to check with the registrar, prior to your first game, to ensure guest players are eligible.
  • Playing unregistered players will result in game defaults and your Provincial Association will be notified.


XIII.       Saskatchewan Laws

  • All players eligible to play in THE AURORA OPEN are "minors" in the Province of Saskatchewan. Possession or use of alcohol by "minors" is illegal. Any report of use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs will result in expulsion from the tournament.
  • Any person who defaces, destroys, steals or otherwise abuses the facilities of THE AURORA OPEN or any AURORA OPEN property will be expelled from the tournament.


XIV.      Cancellation Policy

  • If for any reason your team cannot attend THE AURORA OPEN, PLEASE INFORM REGISTRAR  IMMEDIATELY  BY  emailing Inform us even if your participation is questionable or if you are considering cancellation. REMEMBER: refunds are no longer available after being accepted.

  • It is very important that you inform us immediately of your cancellation for the following reasons:
    1. Limited Spaces
    2. Waiting Lists
    3. Changes to game schedules
  • If you do not inform registrar of your cancellation, we will expect your team at the first game on Friday or Saturday. Failure to notify THE AURORA OPEN of your team's cancellation will result in your Provincial Association being notified of your action.



Building Map - Saskatoon Soccer Center (150 Nelson Road)





Hoodies will be on sale at tournament headquarters throughout the tournament.


Player of the Game

At the end of each game, the coach of each team shall choose a player from within their own team for the Aurora Open Player of the Game. The field marshal shall provide the coach with a Player of the Game pin before the beginning of each game. Coaches please make sure that a player may only receive this award once during the tournament.


Tournament Headquarters

Tournament Headquarters will be located at: Saskatoon Soccer Centre 2nd floor (North End) 150 Nelson Rd


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